Department of DENTISTRY
Gokuldas and Tejpal hospital
Faculty :
  1. Dr Ruchita Raghuwanshi – ( Junior Resident)
  2. Dr.Anshu bhargav saini – (Junior Resident)
  3. Dr.Roshan jadhav- ( Clinical assistant)
OPD Days : Monday, Tuesday, wensday,Thursday, Friday
Saturday ( ALL DAYS OPD)
Location Of OPD: Room No 2,Ground floor, OPD building ,GT Hospital
OPD TIMING: 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
Special Out Patient Services : Nil
IPD : Nil
Indoor dental chair strength : 2 dental chairs
Facilities and Special Services :
  1. IOPA and RVG
  2. Scaling and polishing
  3. Normal extraction
  4. Composite filling
  5. GIC filling
  6. Silver filling
  7. Esthetic tooth coloured filling
  8. Root canal treatment
  9. Pedo root canal treatment
  10. Enameloplasty
  11. Splinting
  12. Operculectomy
  13. Pedo fillings
  14. Pedo extraction
Teaching Programs : NIL
Contact Numbers :
  1. Dr Ruchita Raghuwanshi (9004935627)
  2. Dr.Anshu saini(9881788100)
  3. Dr.Roshan jadhav(8390197509)
Courses Offered : Nil
Position held: Nil
CME : Nil